Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Have It All At the Same Time

I'm going to share a huge DIY secret today.  And it is going to blow your mind,  infinity times infinity style.

Do you wanna get it all done?  And by all, I actually mean *everything*!? Here's a step-by-step tutorial:

1) Plan a trip to visit family. Tell hubby he's staying at home rather than joining you.

2) Go enjoy your time in Georgia, savoring the cuddles with cousins, field trips to the Rock Ranch, sessions at the Chuck E. Cheese, happy hours with old friends, trips to the ER for your poor son, momentarily forgetting that you have a loved one 850 miles away...

3) Make it home in one piece (despite the injured son).

4) Realize that YES, you do have it all.  Be inspired by the awesomeness!

A clean side yard, less lots of junk and one dying cherry tree!

A new black-top on the driveway!

(Free) Granite staged for a patio!

More wild flowers in bloom!

Finally, a squash on the mystery vine!

Sunflowers ready to bloom!

Peppers, tomatoes, melons!*  

And who made it all happen?  Was it me, the mom who has it all? Nope, it was Ryan.

See? It's easy to have it all!  Leave for awhile, and it all magically happens!

*Having it all also means you can use exclamation points with abandon.


  1. Whaaa? Infinity times infinity? My eyes are crossing. The granite is amazing. And I have to learn, from Ryan apparently, how to grow green peppers. Mine are sad, deformed little things.

  2. Now this is a solid DIY tutorial! I love your plan. I hope you'll tell us how you scored the free granite - we want to make a patio too! PS: Send your husband my way! I bet if I left him alone with my husband for a week, they could probably build an entire house together.


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